This site was an international collection of evidence that many JVC camcorders have design and manufacturing defects. Owners were then expected to pay for "repairs" which did not work. JVC was taken to court here in the USA because thosands felt chated. Originally I dealt Steven Berk, a class-action lawyer who seemed interested in helping. After more than 2 years, the lawsuit was settled, with inconclusive results. Read below for more information.

Monday, April 26, 2004

FreeLists / techassist

Small place where electronic technicians congregate and exchange problems and solutions. I only list it here for future reference, not because it is likely to help anyone in particular. You have to be a specialist like them to understand what they are talking about.

Yahoo! Groups : JVC_Pro Messages : Message 191 of 298

From: "Anil Kumar Panda"
Date: Tue Dec 10, 2002 2:16 am
Subject: Re: [JVC_Pro_DV] jvc camcorders e04

Hi Ken Arnold,
Try the following. It has worked for me and I hope this will work for you
too. Take out the battery. Tap strongly on the casing of camera near the
recording head. Replace the battery and pray GOD. This will work if the
problem is because of servo sensor problem in the camera.
Try to give me a feedback if it worked or not.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Arnold"
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:37
Subject: [JVC_Pro_DV] jvc camcorders e04

> I have a new jvc camcorder and use it 3 times and
> getting e04 error and not able to reset. Does
> anyone have the instructions on how to reset??
> Thanks..
> =====

Compare Prices and Read Reviews on JVC GR-DVL120 Mini DV Digital Camcorder at

This is a very unreliable camera
by hughbartley,Oct 20 '03
Pros: Good image & sound quality when working. Optional manual controls.
Cons: Regular malfunction.How tape is install in camera is stupid,you have to remove camera from tripod.

When this camera work I get good picture & sound Quality But after using for a time the camera stop playing or recording & a message appear on screen "EO3 UNIT IN SAFEGUARD MODE REMOVE & REINSTALL TAPE".

GRDVL120U Problematic
by consv,Oct 01 '03
Pros: Great pictures when it works. Great zoom.
Cons: Times when it won't record. Unreliable. Having to buy a firewire card for my computer.

I just want to warn anyone buying one of these cameras "reconditioned" as I did. The camera worked fine the first month or so and then started giving errors that the heads needed cleaning and prompting to eject and reinsert the tape. (I don't believe it is a problem with dirty heads since it is practically "new" and when it does work the video comes out great looking.) This problem comes and goes and at times makes it almost impossible to get a video when you want it.
I have also read where others have had this problem.
I'm just hoping that it doesn't get to the point where it is totally unusable.

Not a reliable camera
by chrisnalex,Nov 25 '03

I highly recommend staying away from JVC camcorders. I have had several issues with my camcorder. Including, safeguard mode, which is very frustrating because it can go into safeguard mode at any moment and it takes so long to get going again. Also the head cleaning error every month. I have also heard of it eating tapes, I havent had this problem buy hope its not next. I originally bought this camera to create movies on the computer. Its been 2 long years and I still have not been able to do this. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

by diswiz,Dec 21 '03
Pros: Good deal... Initially...
Cons: Unusable after 3 monthes of use!!! AVOID!!!

I bought this camera thinking it would be a great deal! Initially, it was! Then the problems started happening, and this camera went straight to hell. There would be a weird winding noise everytime I would try and record and it got to the point that it would actually destroy my tapes!!! I was very gentle with this camera... up until the point i threw it off a cliff and said good ridance! As you can see, many people are having problems with this machine and I actually looked into starting a class action law-suit against JVC. Do what's go for you andf spend the extra 50-100 dollars for a camera that won't break 3 monthes after gentle care. Oh, and the support WAS TERRIBLE as well! AVOID!

IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...

Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode... - Susie Gavinio - 14th Apr 2004 5:25
My camera is a JVC GR-DVL307, bought about two years ago, in Switzerland.

Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode... - Maduba - 24th Apr 2004 3:12
My camcorder is having the same E04 Error...i thought it was my camcorder and i had broke it somehow but now to find out it's effecting so many people is fustrating. I wish there was something JVC can do because this product is NOT cheap and for it to be defective to SO many people is really appauling!!

JVC E04 safeguard mode...

Re: JVC E04 safeguard mode... - JOE CALI - 15th Apr 2004 1:02
Yes I have the same problem on one of my Camcoders and fear the same is going to happen to my other. We pay several hundred dollars for a machine and get the run around. Most of use bought the units because we have kids or grandchildren and want to save the early years. So we send money we would not usually spend. Then we find out it the price of a repair is not worth doing. So we have to purchase another unit. All the time the kids are growing up and we are missing it. Not wanting to spend several hundred more dollars. The better business people or comsumers reports should also be notified.
Thanks for your time and thoughtfulness in this matter.
Joe Cali -

Re: JVC E04 safeguard mode... - Nick Thompson - 18th Apr 2004 17:49
Thanks for the initiative.... I bought my GR-DVL20 in early 2000 and the fault started intermittantly after 8months
Nick Thompson

Re: JVC E04 safeguard mode... - Brian Jackson - 19th Apr 2004 2:34
Same problem here...owned for 6 months for sports filming, use it great then BOOM, E04. Cost to fix is almost as much as camera. JVC needs to come through.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Digital Camera Discussion Forum

Posted by Adrian on June 01, 2002 at 23:08:30:

can any of you experts out there help??
20 months ago I bought a jvc gr-dvx80 digital vid cam, very happy
with it.

Recently though its getting this intermittent fault
... "e04 unit is in safeguard mode, remove and replace battery"

then as prompted the only way to get it happy again is to remove the
battery, occasionally also during a more happy period it comes up
"head cleaning required" - I went out and bought a head cleaning tape
but this only keeps it happy for a week or so then its back.

My question:
..anyone know what this error message means (nothing I can find in the
manual or on the jvc webpage)?

..does this need a trip to the repairers to fix or is it something

Can you help?
thnx Adrian.


Follow Ups:

Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. andrea 12:24:10 7/08/2002 (9)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Nitesh 22:51:39 7/28/2002 (8)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. sunny 09:58:11 10/01/2002 (7)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Jez Siddons 04:21:14 12/25/2002 (0)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. marty 11:21:30 11/24/2002 (5)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Tim 13:23:16 6/21/2003 (1)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Juan Carrera 03:13:37 4/10/2004 (0)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Ken 09:07:52 12/09/2002 (2)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. oliver 22:36:28 7/30/2003 (1)
Re: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam. Boudewijn Reniers 14:51:11 8/24/2003 (0)

Re: jvc dvl167 e06 safeguard mode

Anil Kumar Panda - 11th Sep 2002 14:50

Similar problem with my JVC DVL 105 mini DV camera.
It shows error-04, unit in safeguad mode, remove and reattach battery.Request to kindly give me a feed back in case your problem is solved.

error camera jvc model GR-SXM195AS - farzad - 16th Apr 2004 18:49
I have a camera (model GR-SXM195AS )
it is have error e06?
pelase help me?

Re: Re: jvc dvl167 e06 safeguard mode - Lionel - 25th Apr 2004 14:22
Please tellme if you solved this problem

JVC DVM-90 error message

I have a JVC dvl100 thats about 4 years old. I got an E04 error today for the first time. a solid thump to the side of the tape cover fixed it.

-- Matt Tunstall (, April 19, 2004.

Sunday, April 18, 2004


Total Valid Email Addresses: 286
Total People who replied and joined: 89
Total People providing address: 66
Total People providing phone #: 55
Total Camcorder models reported: 45
Total Countries with complaints: 17

We are in the process of selecting a lawyer to represent us and present the complaint to the courts.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: b (
Subject: JVC GR-DVL150E: Foutmelding E03, wat betekent dit?
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2002-12-03 02:13:30 PST

Ik heb de volgende vraag: Als ik mijn camera op een of andere manier probeer
te bedienen, krijg ik de volgende fout melding in een wit menu.
Unit in safeguard mode
Remove and reattach battery.

Volgens de handleiding moet ik inderdaad alle spanningsbronnnen verwijderen.
De camera zou zich dan moeten resetten na een aantal minuten. Echter helpt
dit niets. Ook het bandje kan ik door dit probleem niet uit de camera

Op internet kan ik niets over dit probleem vinden. Kortom, mijn vragen zijn:
- Weet iemand wat deze fout betekend
- Hoe ik het best tot een oplossing kan komen
- Of er ergens een internet-site is met alle mogelijke vorkomende fouten bij
deze camera

Alvast bedankt,
Bennie Timmer

Google Search: jvc safeguard

From: c raspe (
Subject: JVC GR-DV9 met probleem
This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Date: 2002-06-20 11:06:48 PST

Wie weet wat de melding E04 unit in safeguard mode remove and reattach
battery inhoud.
In het boekje wordt nergens E04 beschreven.

Alvast bedankt


Google Search: jvc safeguard

From: Chris (
Subject: JVC GR-DVM90 problem
This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Date: 2001-07-04 09:38:29 PST

I am having some problems with the GR-DVM90 digital video camera. When
turned on it displays a message:

E04 Unit in safeguard; remove and reattach battery

I've tried replacing the battery and tapes - it doesn't change

Any help would be appreciated.

Chris Kozaryn

Google Search: jvc safeguard

From: Timo Labrenz (
Subject: Welche mechanisch gute miniDV?
This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Date: 2004-04-14 07:58:15 PST

Hi Leute,

ich habe hier ein paar miniDV-Kameras und ein Problem. Ich hoffe, das
ihr mir helfen könnt.
Bisher benutze ich eine JVC GR-VF1, die leider öfter Probleme macht.
Nach dem Einlegen der miniDV meldet sie, das der Schreibschutz
aktiviert oder dass das Equipment im Safeguard Mode sei. Wenn man die
miniDV öfter neu einlegt, geht's irgendwann. Bei Aufnehmen macht der
Motor manchmal seltsame Geräuche. Beim Abspielen zeigt sich dann, dass
während dieser Zeit nicht aufgenommen wurde. Ich schätze mal, dass der
Motor der JVC einfach zu schwach ist.

Morgen abend wird mit zwei Canon XL-1s gefilmt, da soll natürlich alles
klappen. Ich erwarte zwar nicht die Probleme wie bei der JVC, aber ich
kann's nicht ausschließen, dass es mit meinen Tapes nicht klappt
(Panasonic DVC Linear Plus 60/90).

Deshalb die Frage, ob es miniDVs gibt, die mechanisch gut sind oder
weniger Widerstand haben. Sollte man generell kürzere Tapes nehem, um
diese Probleme zu vermeiden? Mir wäre es natürlich lieber, wenn ich
längere Bänder benutzen könnte. Gibt es Marken, die man enpfehlen kann
oder von denen man abraten muss?

Gruß und Danke


JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error


Posted by kevin on April 01, 2001 at 10:22:55:

my JVC DVX-70, is detorating days by days, E04 error show up almost every time I use the camcorder. I follow the instruction remove the batteray and changes tapes. Sometime work and sometime don't. It almost like taking chance, if it work I am lucky. Is anyone have similar problem with thier camcorder?? We may help each other..


Follow Ups:

* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Juan Carrera 06:08:11 04/11/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Johann Sandra 19:33:15 07/04/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error rene 09:06:03 04/16/01 (79)
o Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Derek Kwindt 08:02:29 01/16/03 (5)
+ Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error stephane caron 20:14:22 06/08/03 (4)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error C Luebke 18:48:05 01/01/04 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error, not only that lance winfield 10:56:05 08/30/03 (1)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error, not only that SAULO MOURA 15:51:05 11/19/03 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error, not only that lance winfield 10:54:45 08/30/03 (0)
o Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error bt 13:44:27 01/06/02 (72)
+ Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error rene 2 15:49:14 01/22/02 (71)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error- I Fixed it Ben 22:28:22 03/02/04 (0)
# Re: SOLUTION Flysilicons 14:19:58 03/21/03 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Jojo 21:26:54 07/30/02 (10)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Solution Mona 22:14:34 02/20/04 (0)
* I love you Tincho 20:44:10 01/10/04 (1)
o Re: I love you Felicia Arledge 16:45:52 03/19/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Reginald Crisp 08:41:45 11/11/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Reginald Crisp 08:41:09 11/11/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error-SOLUTION NEWBY 22:59:13 11/07/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error-SOLUTION Tincho 20:45:39 01/10/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Jens 11:26:59 09/05/03 (0)
* Thanx Ralph 07:29:14 08/25/02 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Alejandro Díez 15:51:13 08/05/02 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Jojo 21:24:41 07/30/02 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error paolo 11:15:03 02/24/02 (56)
* Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Eduardo 00:28:37 03/04/02 (55)
o Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Chris 02:40:37 03/19/02 (54)
+ Re: JVC camcorder tape jam and E04 error Mercedes Auriemma 22:50:24 08/01/02 (2)
# I fixed it; and got it out of 04 Error Mode TheBreeze 18:05:57 07/12/03 (1)
* Re: I fixed it; and got it out of 04 Error Mode TheBreeze 18:07:54 07/12/03 (0)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error andrea 12:43:46 07/08/02 (50)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error tony r. 15:48:37 07/09/02 (49)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Juan Carrera 06:01:33 04/11/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Annie 01:44:31 03/06/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error oleo 01:16:23 02/22/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error sector011 08:19:04 12/24/03 (9)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error federico 12:40:23 03/24/04 (4)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Ricardo Cantisano 16:12:01 04/07/04 (1)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Juan Carrera 06:02:53 04/11/04 (0)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Lyn Churchill 19:25:39 04/02/04 (1)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Juan Carrera 06:03:45 04/11/04 (0)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Jae 06:09:50 01/05/04 (3)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error LSmith 19:30:31 01/20/04 (2)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Steve Williams 12:12:22 02/03/04 (0)
# SOLUTION JVC camcorder E04 error Rickie 11:03:39 01/30/04 (0)
* JVC camcorder E04 error Dave 20:23:00 12/06/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error FES 22:33:30 11/07/03 (3)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error UPDATED FES 22:37:33 11/07/03 (2)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error UPDATED Ben 21:58:11 02/12/04 (0)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error UPDATED Ben 21:38:10 02/12/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Brijesh 18:00:24 09/08/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error drew 03:33:55 11/24/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Tank 22:01:09 08/15/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error sector011 07:22:11 09/02/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Sonsoles 00:06:05 02/24/03 (9)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Hemant 19:05:56 10/20/03 (0)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Gina 17:15:35 04/17/03 (7)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error G B 12:21:39 12/05/03 (4)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error David 00:02:18 12/12/03 (3)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Joe 06:39:02 12/31/03 (2)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Kurt 22:27:25 02/17/04 (1)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Dave 18:22:55 03/28/04 (0)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Boudewijn Reniers 18:55:20 08/24/03 (0)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error safe guard mode Eli A 14:19:31 07/29/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Sonsoles 21:16:47 02/23/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Klaus Madlener 17:54:56 01/02/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Marek 14:43:48 01/05/03 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error BBS 18:18:34 11/12/02 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Russ 11:27:40 07/25/02 (12)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Ian Louw 08:17:56 05/12/03 (11)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Paul Worthington 07:13:18 09/19/03 (10)
# JVC camcorder E04 error Vijay 18:18:58 10/14/03 (2)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Hemant 18:58:39 10/20/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Ben BEam 01:02:38 02/19/04 (0)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Eric 17:16:42 09/19/03 (6)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error gotIttowork 04:44:55 12/01/03 (1)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error oleo 01:11:32 02/22/04 (0)
* Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Huzkersfan 11:17:05 09/22/03 (3)
o Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Sanjeev 16:28:20 10/05/03 (2)
+ Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Tim 01:41:48 10/16/03 (1)
# Re: JVC camcorder E04 error Will 21:55:24 11/04/03 (0)

Paul - 13th Dec 2003 21:02

E04 Unit in safeguard mode : Remove and Reattach Battery

I have had this same problem since my warranty ran out on my JVC DV camcorder. When I turn it on to record or play, a code appears on the display screen "E04 Remove and reattach battery. Unit in safegaurd mode." I have tried to remove the battery and replace it and I have the head cleaned. Twice I have brought it in for repairs but over time the same thing comes up. Can any one tell me what causes this and how to rectify it.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 »

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - frank - 16th Dec 2003 17:10
I hate to tag onto your e-mail, but my JVC dv camera, same model, is giving me the exact same problem. Just yesterday actually, I have no idea what to do now. It's inoperable as far as I know. I thought the manual would at least explain what each code E01-E06 meant. Now I guess I have to find a JVC dealer in Europe...

o Re: Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Frans - 11th Jan 2004 19:17
had the same E04 problem with a different JVC cam (DVX88) - was told in the service center that one should only use JVC tapes - I was using Sony,TDK etc tapes - cam was cleaned and flat cylinder was replaced.

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Lance Hollandsworth - 17th Dec 2003 4:22
Well we were just on our Vacation with our toddler who's about to walk. I see her about to walk and turn on the camera. This after I've been running it all night...with no problems. She starts to walk....I press record. And this error comes up. We had a chance to record our baby's first steps and nada. I want to sue them.

o Re: Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - anonymous - 17th Dec 2003 13:13
I have had similar problems since my son was born four years ago. It is very frustrating to say the least. I have sent a message to JVC and I am awaiting a response. I will post it as it arrives. Let me know if you have any luck on your end.

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Lauren - 20th Dec 2003 20:02
I have a JVC video camera, model gr-dvl 805, and I have gotten an error, E01, and I don't know how to fix it. Is it possible to fix it yourself, or do I need to bring it in to my nearest JVC repair store?

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Brandon Jackson - 25th Dec 2003 13:33
Amazing. It's like all of the GR-DVL300s started breaking at once. Can you beleive it? No problems with mine until today -- yep, Christmas morning. It's throwing a E04 and will not reset no matter how long it has been off. The tape carrier motor does seem to be making a different noise -- wonder if it's related to that. If anyone hears anything, please post.

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Tabitha Greer - 25th Dec 2003 15:15
I MIGHT HAVE THE ANSWER YOU NEED!!!!!!!!! Upon getting our usually perfect acting camcorder ready to record our family open our Christmas gifts this morning... A blue screen of death appeared. Reading: ERO4 Camera in safeguard mode, remove and replace battery... the same problem as most of you... WELL... upon getting very frustrated, and upset.. I FOUND A WAY TO FIX OURS, AND IT IS NOW WORKING PERFECTLY!!!! Right as we would turn it into M mode (manual I believe..?)... the mode where it records... anyways.. that is when we would get the error.. but RIGHT before that would happen.. it would seemingly be working for about 1 second. I thought perhaps you could try to eject the tape in this short window of time. As soon as you remove the battery (or unplug the power cord), and plug it back in, be pushing the eject button at the same time (after you've turned it to the M mode) and PRESTO.. it should eject.. we found out our problem was that it had started to eat the tape. We simply pulled it all out, popped in a new vhs-c, and BOOM: OUR CHRISTMAS CAN BE RECORDED!!!! I hope this helps you!!!! YAYYYYYY
MERRY Christmas!!
Please email me and let me know if this helped you!!

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Chris - 26th Dec 2003 9:50
i was very happy when I read that you have all the answers I need, but the things you wrote doesn´t really work! me camcorer does not eject the tape in this one second after turning power on!

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - - 28th Dec 2003 17:36
Just a follow-up, I've been reading another forum and there's a guy who recommended tapping on the side of the camcorder -- I tried it and it worked like a charm. Got my camcorder working again!!

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Mark - 29th Dec 2003 23:41
I got an error E06, Please remove and re-attach the battery. The cam was indeed eating up the tape. It got worse each time you reinstalled the battery and tried to re-start the camera. It just ate a few more inches of tape each time, until the tape actually broke!

The tape up-take mechanisim had stopped bringing the tape back into the cassette after an attempted play/record operation.

I took it in for service and they claimed to have repaired the "Tape Transport/Loading Mechanisim".

I'm a service tech myself and keep the machine in an "ultra-clean" state, so this explanation makes no sence to me!

I think there is either a design or manufacturing flaw with this cam. If it destroys any more of my commercial (paid for) shots, I'll be seeking damages from JVC. This cam isn't even a year old!


* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Chris - 30th Dec 2003 20:19
I have the same problem. It sure seems weird that everyone is experiencing it around the same time.

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - William Wong - 1st Jan 2004 0:34
I had the same problem with an Eo4 error. With the tape removed, I tapped the tape cover several times with my knuckle and then reloaded the tape. It worked!!! I wonder what is loose in the camera. Please, if anybody finds out, please post.

Even in Russian they complain:

что делать с ошибкой в JVC - GR-DVL160EG
Отправил(а) leshiy 06.11.2003 14:25:33
После поездки в машине камера стала выдавать сообщение (E06 - UNIT IN SAFEGUARD MODE REMOVE AND RETTACH BATTERY)
И батарейку (как по инструкции) снимал и вставлял обратно, и подключал
от блока питания, она всёравно включитса на секунду, а потом выдаёт ошибку,
и кассету не хочет отдавать!!!
Что делать???

Re: что делать с ошибкой в JVC - GR-DVL160EG
Отправил(а) Советчик 08.01.2004 11:48:26
Что делать? Сосать!!!

Re: что делать с ошибкой в JVC - GR-DVL160EG
Отправил(а) enybody 27.01.2004 04:10:39
Столкнулась с похожей проблемой. Только выдает ошибку Е04. Что делать? Да только в ремонт сдавать. Самому можно только на помойку снести:). Но я каким-то образом свою камеру уговорила. В таком состоянии она мне отдает кассету в режиме play. А то, что в инструкции опро батарейки пишут - фигня! Моя камера не начинала работать, даже посидев без батарейки день-другой! А могла и после выданной ошибки - через 3 минуты! В общем, в ремонт, в ремонт!

Re: что делать с ошибкой в JVC - GR-DVL160EG
Отправил(а) Сергей 14.02.2004 19:27:13
Была похожая поломка, но только с DVL167EG, при этом все время выгружалась касета. Сдал по гарантии в ремонт, сказали что накрылась микросхема и мне ее перепаяли.

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Alcor (
Subject: JVC GR-DVX9 videocam
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Newsgroups: dk.teknik.elektronik
Date: 2001-10-29 06:32:12 PST


Jeg har et JVC GR-DVX9 videocamera som har den mærkelige fejl at den bare
skriver "E04 unit in safeguard mode" og at man skal tage batteriet ud og
vente lidt og så prøve igen. I manualen står der at hvis denne fejl kommer
tit skal den til service. Er der nogen der ved hvad fejlen ref. til eller
hvor jeg kan få fat i en service manual ???

Venligst Tom

Google Search: jvc safeguard
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Date: 2003-01-27 10:50:47 PST

Witam !
W mojej kamerce GR-DVX 80 zaczal pojawiac sie komunikat o bledzie E04
wielkiego... wyjac baterie, wlozyc ponownie i dziala... ale wkurza! :)
Czytalem za zagranicznych grupach ze ten problem to prawie standard
wsrod kamer JVC. Poniewaz jest to blad dotyczacy glowicy jego
przyczyny sa rozne, jedni podaja kiepskie kasety, inni kiepskie kasety
czyszczace, jeszcze inni polozenie (ustawienie) rolek. Czy ktos z Was
mial cos takiego i jak sobie z tym poradzil? Jesli serwis - to co
stwierdzili i ile kosztowalo. Jesli naprawiliscie sami - w jaki
sposob? Jesli temat sie rozwinie zacytuje kilka postow z zachodnich


Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Krzysztof Winnicki (
Subject: Błąd w kamerze.... JVC GR-D30E
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Date: 2004-02-09 07:53:48 PST


Mam mały(duży?) problem z kamerą JVC GR-D30E
Wczoraj w nocy nagrywałem materiał.
Po nagraniu materiału, chciałem go obejrzeć.
Przy przewijaniu materiału, w kamerze coś zaczęło dziwnie szumieć.
Wyłączyłem i otworzyłem kamere. Okazało się, że kamera wkręciła taśme.
Następnie spróbowałem ponownie odtworzyć materiał.
Po kilku sekundach kamera się zawiesiła.
Teraz po włączeniu po kilku sekundach pojawia się komunikat o numerze E03 z

Eject and reinsert tape.
Unit in safeguard mode.

Myślałem, że to wina kasety, ale przy innych jest tak samo.
Przed udaniem się do servisu chciałbym znać waszą opinię, oraz możliwą
przyczynę awarii.

Krzysztof Winnicki

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: (
Subject: E04 Error MSG on JVC GRSX950U
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Date: 2001-01-08 17:44:04 PST

I just got my camcorder and I placed a VHS-C tape inside it. I tried to
play it to advance to a blank spot on the tape and I received a message
in the viewfinder that said "E04 Safeguard Mode". The next message said
to pop the battery out and put it back in again. After several
attempts, I used the AC adapter with the same result. I tried to eject
the tape and the same thing happens. I do hear the tape trying to move
from the clicking sounds I hear when the tape is being accessed. Does
anyone know what's happening and how I can get the tape out without
breaking the camcorder?
Any help would be appreciated.

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Martin (
Subject: JVC DVL-805 Error E01
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Date: 2001-10-09 10:17:16 PST

While recording my battery died, after replacing it with another one the
camera would display the error
E01 - Unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery.

Can someone help me with this.


Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: guy.pastuzak (
Subject: Re: Camescope JVC GR-DVX44E
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Date: 2003-09-15 12:36:27 PST

"hidex" a écrit dans le message news:
> Bonjour.
> J'ai un message d'erreur persistant :EO4.sur l'ecran d'un camescope JVC
> Qui peux m'aider?
> Merçi

Bonsoir à tous
Voilà ce que je relève dans la notice de GRDVX88, 77 et 44
Unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery.
En français, ils disent que les indications E01 à E06 montrent le type
de mauvais fonctionnement qui s'est produit. Lorsque cette indication
se produit, cela coupe automatiquement le camescope. Il faut retirer
la source d'alimentation (batterie etc.) et attendre quelques minutes
pour que l'indication disparaisse.
Quand elle a disparu, vous pouvez utiliser à nouveau le camescope. Si
l'indication reste, veuillez consulter le revendeur JVC le plus

Je crois que cela m'est arrivé une fois (grdvx88)
Curieusement, le couper ne suffit pas. Il doit se trouver sans aucune
source, pour basculer dans un mode normal. La mise en route provoque
alors une sorte de boot, qui n'a pas lieu quand la batterie reste en

En espérant que cela te convient, et que le camescope repartira...
Guy Pastuzak

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Olivier Demaine (
Subject: Re: Camescope JVC GRDV 2000 (sérieux problème)
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Date: 2003-08-22 14:39:53 PST

J'ai eu le même problème avec un JVC DVX9 au debut, après c'est passé à
E04 remove and rattach battery
unit in safeguard mode
à un moment aussi la batterie est passé à environ 2mn d'automonie (c'est
court), changement de batterie : 100Euro (c'est cher)
Apparament on est pas les seuls à être éperdu d'admiration pour JVC :

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Bjeanneb (bjeanneb@aol.comnospam)
Subject: JVC 310 problems
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Date: 2002-09-26 05:45:22 PST

I recently had the read/write drum replaced. Now I repeatedly get the message
"Unit in Safeguard Mode. Remove and reattach battery." This happens whether I
am using the battery or the power supply. The manual has no solution other
than to contact my nearest JVC dealer. Any ideas?

~*~*~ Jeanne ~*~*~

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: takeone (
Subject: Warning About JVC Camcorders
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Date: 2004-01-29 17:54:15 PST

Just look at the long list of posts that I've pasted in below about JVC
camcorders biting the dust, sometimes after just a few months of use. My
JVC GR-D30U lasted about six months when it suddenly gave the error: E04
Unit in safeguard mode. Eject and reinsert tape. The problem is, it won't
load a tape! It will only draw an empty cassette holder into the camera
body. If there is a tape in the holder, it just makes a whirring noise for
a couple of seconds and then just sits there.

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: Adrian (
Subject: ?? intermittent error message 'e04' on my JVC digital vid cam.
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Date: 2002-06-01 18:08:02 PST

can any of you experts out there help??
20 months ago I bought a jvc gr-dvx80 digital vid cam, very happy
with it.

Recently though its getting this intermittent fault
... "e04 unit is in safeguard mode, remove and replace battery"

then as prompted the only way to get it happy again is to remove the
battery, occasionally also during a more happy period it comes up
"head cleaning required" - I went out and bought a head cleaning tape
but this only keeps it happy for a week or so then its back.

My question:
..anyone know what this error message means (nothing I can find in the
manual or on the jvc webpage)?

..does this need a trip to the repairers to fix or is it something

Can you help?
thnx Adrian.

Google Search: jvc safeguard
From: TechDude (
Subject: JVC DVP3 - error code E-01- -Safeguard active
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Date: 2002-05-02 11:22:14 PST

Have any other people had this error occur on this model (mine is 3 months
old and prob had only 9 hours of actual record /playback use).
Mine occured at the end of tape whilst capturing via firewire.

What are JVC UK like for warranty work - time /quality.



JVC GR-DVL120 Mini DV Digital Camcorder Reviews at
When this camera work I get good picture & sound Quality But after using for a time the camera stop playing or recording & a message appear on screen "EO3 UNIT IN SAFEGUARD MODE REMOVE & REINSTALL TAPE".

Taucher.Net - AKKU f�r DVX10
Antwort von dastaucht am 26.09.2002 - 08:42
Das interessiert mich auch schärfstens!! Meine Überlegung war schon : externen Akku aus dem Tron-Shop irgendwo ins Gehäuse wo Platz ist und über Akkuadapter anschließen. Bisher allerdings nur Idee!! Habe noch ein anderes Problem: Kamerera meldet mir regelmäßig:"E04 Unit in Safeguard Mode Please remove and reattach Battery" was natürlich unter Wasser ´ne super Idee ist!! Hat jemand mit gleicher Fehlermeldung zu kämpfen??

JVC GR-DVL150 videocamera - reviews

th.terpstra: Dag allemaal, wat een reviews over de JVC GR-DVL 150. Ik heb hem sinds september 2001 in bezit en ben toevallig op het 13e bandje aan het filmen (ben niet bijgelovig). Tot nu toe niks dan lof, nooit problemen mee gehad, hij heeft vele mooie momenten opgenomen. Heb net een nieuwe computer, daar zat al een firewire kaart in, dus kabeltje gekocht en met behulp van windows movie maker (ja, gratis en erg handig) alles (gelukkig) op mijn computer gezet. Kreeg echter afgelopen week de melding E04 Unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery. Ik haal de batterij er vanaf en probeer het nogmaals. Helaas, erg zit geen leven meer in. Morgen gaat ie terug naar de dealer ter reparatie (gelukkig neem ik altijd de maximale garantie periode), ik hou jullie op de hoogte. (een jaar of meer in bezit)

(Rough translation: 01-03-2004 th. terpstra: Day all, what a reviews over the JVC GR-DVL 150. I have him since September 2001 in possession and am accidental on the 13e tie filming (am not superstitious). Until now that closed nothing then praise, never problems with had, he has many beautiful moments taken up. Neat a new computer have play cards, in that drunkenly all a firewire, consequently bought cables and with help of windows movie maker (yes, free and very skilful) everything (fortunately) on my computer gezet. Got however past week the report E04 Unit in safeguard fashion, remove and reattach battery. I get the battery there from and try it once again. Unfortunately, awful stretch no life more in. Tomorrow he goes hold back you to the dealer to repair (fortunately take I always the maximum guarantee period), I on the height. (a year or more in possession))

Digital Camera Discussion Forum
Posted by Fisheye on September 12, 2002 at 20:27:43:

I have a JVC GR-DVP3EA, and have been introduced to an error message on the video camera as of late. The message is "E01, unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery". Anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks.

JVC GR-DVL120 Mini DV Digital Camcorder Reviews at
I highly recommend staying away from JVC camcorders. I have had several issues with my camcorder. Including, safeguard mode, which is very frustrating because it can go into safeguard mode at any moment and it takes so long to get going again. Also the head cleaning error every month. I have also heard of it eating tapes, I havent had this problem buy hope its not next. I originally bought this camera to create movies on the computer. Its been 2 long years and I still have not been able to do this. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

JVC GR-D30 Mini DV Digital Camcorder Reviews at
I normally do not write reviews but I feel so strongly about this camera. Please search the web for other unhappy customers, dont just take my advice. The camera is great unless you want to put the movies on the computer. It periodically goes into a safeguard mode, I guess this is a common problem. When it goes into safeguard it will not do anything. I usually just turn it off and on until it works again. Also another issue is the tape eating! I have not experienced this yet but have heard about it alot on the message boards.

JVC GR-DVP3 - recensioner och tester

Recension av Elektronikern, inskickad 2003-09-30.
Hur länge haft du haft produkten? Mer än 3 månader
Vilka liknande produkter har du använt? Sony, Canon m.fl.
Rubrik på din recension Varning för JVC-kvalitet!
Vad är positivt? Liten och lätt kamera, OK bild och bra med Firewire för editering.
Vad är negativt? Det stora felet hos den här kameran och tydligen många andra JVC-kameror ligger i kvaliteten. Jag och tusentals andra har plötsligt upplevt hur kameran slutat fungera och visat felkod E01, E04 eller E06 samt texten "Unit in safeguard mode". En sökning på nätet efter de orden visar hur vanligt det här felet är.
Problemet verkar ligga i att kassettmekanismen är oerhört känslig, och gärna slutar fungera om man använder DV-band av annat märke än JVCs eget. Dyra reparationer blir följden, eftersom felet inte går att avhjälpa på egen hand om man inte vill ta isär hela kameran.
Andra och mindre klagomål är att knapparna sitter tätt, är små och känsliga, och är svåra att förstå.

[Pb E04] - Les forums du Repaire
Posté par: Biyyoo


Je possède un caméscope numérique JVC référence GR DVL100. Dès sa mise en marche un message d'erreur s'affiche à l'écran ce qui m'empêche d'aller plus loin et l'utiliser.
L'erreur est E04 Unit on safeguard mode

Est ce quelqu'un connait ce type d'erreur et comment le résoudre. J'ai consulté le manuel d'utilisateur, il n'indique pas de détails sur cette erreur


Re: JVC camcorder E04 error UPDATED
Posted by Ben on February 12, 2004 at 21:38:10:

In Reply to: Re: JVC camcorder E04 error UPDATED posted by FES on November 07, 2003 at 22:37:33:

: I have a GR-SXM520U that also gives me the damn E04 error unit in safeguard mode remove and re-attach battery but when i do that it gives me the same thing. Im not as pissed as you guys cause i got mine from my friend for only 10 bucks cause he got a brand new sony but anyways i sent in a complaint to jvc and they havent sent me back in anything yet so if anyone has any leads on how to fix it give me a buzz at Alienationator@aol(you know the rest)

Digital Camera Discussion Forum
Posted by Fisheye on September 12, 2002 at 20:27:43:

I have a JVC GR-DVP3EA, and have been introduced to an error message on the video camera as of late. The message is "E01, unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery". Anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks.

DV - Community - Forums
Re: KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 4/12/2004 02:46 AM EDT reply hey guys

I´m from germany and have not the best english^^!!! i have the same problem E03!
the tape is now in the camera intricated. have everyone of you the problem not any more??

about help i`m very happy.

best greetings dani

DV - Community - Forums
Topic: KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
akpanda KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 9/11/2002 09:24 PM EDT reply I nave one JVC make GR-DVL-105 mini DV camera. For last one week whenever I make it ON it deispalys a message " Error-04, remove and reattach battery". I have replaced battery several times and even tried to make it On through battery charger directly with same result. In the LCD display this message is displayed along with the scene in front of camera. But I am not able to record / zoom in/out nor play any thing. With this display, when connected to PC via firewire card, same scene is transferred and I was able to record in PC. I have tried to contact JVC resvice centres, but they have till date not replied.
Please help me to fix it.

Maraplon KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 9/14/2002 02:30 AM EDT reply Hi !
I also have a very similar problem with my JVC GR-DVL310u
Says error 03 unit in safeguard mode, remove and reattach battery
I Dont know how to fix it right know but it looks like a lot of people are having the same problem
Im hoping to find a solution shortly
I hope everyone whos having this problem e-mails me so that we can work on this and exchange information
My e-mail is
Please help me if you can!

krismanian KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 2/23/2003 02:24 PM EST reply I have the same problem starting this last week, I have JVC JRDVM90. It works some time but suddenly stops and shows that E04 message" re-attach your battery". Looks like need to call service.

parbhum KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 3/26/2003 03:34 AM EST reply I have the same problem. Any help from JVC on this error.

raven KIndly help me fix up Error-04 in my JVC Mini DV camcorder please !!
posted 5/09/2003 06:41 PM EDT reply Guys, i have same issue with my GR-DVL520U, and my tape doesn't eject. If u have any info for that, please help me. If u still didnt solve ur problem, i just found about 10 people who r having E03 and E04 with their JVC. The thing is, that its not only couple of cameras have this issue. All models of JVC after 6 month or more ,get E03 and E04 messeges. JVC's making crap, they put any kind of sh*t in cameras we buy. And they reject to take any kind of responsibility for that. There was a suggestion (from everyone who's camera is f*cked) to start a lawsuit against JVC. If u guys have anything to say about that, messege me @

jvc dvl167 e06 safeguard mode
Mark - 29th Aug 2002 11:45

Recently my JVC167 came up with e06 error...safeguard mode.Wondering if it resets or reqs specialist repair?????.

* Re: jvc dvl167 e06 safeguard mode - Anil Kumar Panda - 11th Sep 2002 13:50
Similar problem with my JVC DVL 105 mini DV camera.
It shows error-04, unit in safeguad mode, remove and reattach battery.Request to kindly give me a feed back in case your problem is solved. -- Read a Question about Camcorders
Question.. Asked on Friday, January 09, 2004
..from camero about Camcorders
Subject: JVC camcorder
I have a JVC GR-SXM320U camcorder. All of a sudden it comes up E02 safeguard mode. We were told to take the battery off and let it sit. It did nothing to fix the problem.E02 means mechanism has not unloaded in the eject position. We cannot get it to eject or anything until we get it off the safeguard mode. How do you do that? Thanks

Answer.. Answered on Friday, January 09, 2004
..from RHerrett on JVC camcorder
I've had something similar with my dvp.

I did eventually get it out of safegueard mode by removing battery, waiting 10 minutes, reconnecting battery, starting in playback mode and VERY FAST ejecting tape, after about 8 seconds camcorder goes into safeguard mode. However the tape was damaged!

There was a fault with the loading mechanism (it was slightly out of alignment) and this had to be fixed by a qualified camcorder engineer.

DV - Community - Forums
Topic: I have a JVC GR-DVL520U issue, and i need someones help!
raven I have a JVC GR-DVL520U issue, and i need someones help!
posted 5/09/2003 06:56 PM EDT reply I have a JVC GR-DVL520U digital camera and my problem is that when i turn it on, i get this messege"E04 Unit is in safeguard mode, reject and reinsert the tape". It doesnt sound that bad just to eject and reinsert, but the problem is, when i open to eject the tape, it doesn't come out. It just stays in there. And i have no clue what to do. My warranty has expired and no one cares about this issue. Could anyone help me, please, u will b eternally appreciated and always in my prairs. Thank you.

De DV-camera constateert een onvolkomenheid welke mogelijk opgelost kan worden door de accu (of voedingsadapter/-lader) eerst te verwijderen (los te koppelen) om het vervolgens na een paar minuten weer op de camera te plaatsen.
Het verwijderen van de batterij ("remove and reattach battery") wil zeggen dat de camera gereset wordt. Hierna kan het probleem eventueel opgelost zijn.
De camera zal in beveiliging treden ("unit in safeguard mode") om te voorkomen dat er ernstigere defecten zullen ontstaan.
Indien het euvel blijft, is controle door een specialist noodzakelijk.

(Rough translation: The DV-camera establishes a deficiency which possible solved can become through the battery (or voedingsadapter/-lader) firstly to remove (lynx to couple) it then after a few minutes prevent on the camera to place. The removing of the battery (" remove and reattach battery") will say that the camera gereset becomes. Below the problem possibly may have been solved. The camera will in protection step (" unit in safeguard fashion") to prevent that it more serious defects will arise. When the fault remains, is control through a specialist necessary.)

Special offer for dealers: JVC SR-VS20 (miniDV/SVHS recorder)


# Please Help! - Amanda Koehler - 12th Sep 2002 3:08
I have a JVC Mini DV model #GRDVL305U and I cannot obtain info anywhere, not even here. It has to be somewhere for me to have one! It is locked in E04 unit in Safeguard Mode and directions tell me to contact a JVC Dealer. I cannot seem to get help anywhere. I hopr you can somehow direct me. I look forward to hearing from you.

* Re: Please Help! - Eric - 23rd Jan 2003 2:30
Hi Amanda,
I found your post when looking for the answer to the same problem. I figured it out since. At least I fixed mine with the same error message. I think my wife closed the tape door insted of pushing the metal door and letting the tape go in by itself. I found that the error message E04 meant that the play head was not spinning. if you have the door open without a tape you can see the round play head. She bent a small piece of metal on the part that holds the tape. It was pushed against the play head. i carefully bent it back up off it using a pen and it worked fine. Hope this helps.


JVC GR-DVL520U Reviews
Reviewed by: Shana Ervin, Casual, from Washington, DC

Price Paid: $500 at

After having this camera for a year. I now get an error message, "E01 UNIT IN SAFEGUARD MODE REMOVE AND REATTACH BATTERY". I removed and reattached battery and I still get this error message. I searched online and found that there are others that have gotten the message; had to pay $100 or so to fix and a few months later the problem happens again. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!

Works for about 11 months with no problem.

E01 REMOVE AND REATTACH BATTERY error msg happens right after warranty and cost over $100 to fix. I think JVC knows about this as a product default but continues to manufacture and take advantage of the consumer. RIDICULOUS!!

#9070 JVC GR-D30 MiniDV Digital Camcorder
You are bidding on a JVC GR-D30 MiniDV Digital Camcorder. This unit powers up, BUT displays "E03 unit in safeguard mode" error message. Also the LCD is cracked. Sold as a repair item.

Sound System Discussion Forum
Posted by Sergei on October 04, 2003 at 11:52:24:

In Reply to: GR-DVL805U error message. Need help. posted by GENE on September 02, 2003 at 21:05:37:

What you can do to get rid of it ( I know just from trying )
- keep camera in vertical position
- enject tape and put it back
- enject batery and put it back
Problem will clear itself after sometime but will come back again when you want to use the stupid thing :-)
Please let me know if you found a better solution

Sound System Discussion Forum
Posted by GENE on September 02, 2003 at 21:05:37:

I have a GR-DVL805U Dig cam. I've suddenly received a error message: "EO3...UNIT IN SAFEGUARD MODE... REMOVE AND REATTACH BATTERY" The camera will not work now.. anyone familiar with this problem? contact me at TYPBMEDIC@AOL.COM

JVC GR-DVP3 - recensioner och tester

Recension av Elektronikern, inskickad 2003-09-30.
Hur länge haft du haft produkten? Mer än 3 månader
Vilka liknande produkter har du använt? Sony, Canon m.fl.
Rubrik på din recension Varning för JVC-kvalitet!
Vad är positivt? Liten och lätt kamera, OK bild och bra med Firewire för editering.
Vad är negativt? Det stora felet hos den här kameran och tydligen många andra JVC-kameror ligger i kvaliteten. Jag och tusentals andra har plötsligt upplevt hur kameran slutat fungera och visat felkod E01, E04 eller E06 samt texten "Unit in safeguard mode". En sökning på nätet efter de orden visar hur vanligt det här felet är.
Problemet verkar ligga i att kassettmekanismen är oerhört känslig, och gärna slutar fungera om man använder DV-band av annat märke än JVCs eget. Dyra reparationer blir följden, eftersom felet inte går att avhjälpa på egen hand om man inte vill ta isär hela kameran.
Andra och mindre klagomål är att knapparna sitter tätt, är små och känsliga, och är svåra att förstå.

Digital Camera Review, Digital Camcorder Review, View topic - GR SX851U VHS-C JVC Digital Camcorder

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:21 pm Post subject: safeguard
how do i turn off safeguard mode (error 01)

JVC GR-SXM240u SVHS-C Camcorder * REPAIR *
NOTES: **Unit powers on but goes into safeguard mode right away - Unit sold as is with known issue. Other issues may exist. No returns accepted, no guarantee, no repair costs expressed or implied

JVC DVM-90 error message
My battery died just as I ejected a tape. I had to leave the door open until I could charge the battery. When I charged battery and replaced tape, I started getting a message to clean heads. I have tried this several times and it keeps coming back????

-- JEFF VALENTINE (, May 13, 2003


Hey! Jeff,,,, It is the same here. Once you get your camcorder head to be cleaned; you'll get more problem go on such as "E04: Unit in Safeguard Mode, Remove and Reattach Battery." or "Copying Failed" However look at several advices on the thread it might works for you; it doesn't work for me.... I am going to take an M-16a2 and shoot its ass. GOOD LUCK!

"Once a Marine, Always a Marine!" I guess I don't have to re-enlist.

-- HENRY GORMAN (GormanHT@1MarDiv.USMC.Mil), June 01, 2003.

I am getting the same message with my JVC DVM-90U and half the screen is blank during play back. I am really unhappy with JVC cam corder. To fix it, the repair guy says he needs to replace drum assembly, fix control circuit for US $350. I am just not happy with camcorder at all.

-- No Email (, August 20, 2003.

I had the problem with my JVC GRDVF camcorder, sometimes tapping on the camcorder works, sometimes removing the battery and reattach works and sometime eject the cassette and while pushing put a little more hard in push helps. One thing is sure that is not the problem with otherthan Cassette to Head connection. Looks like there is a problem in the design of the Cassette container part and the way it connects to the head of the camcorder. Even it works for this time, don't trust it while you are on vacation.

-- Vijay Bhaskar (, August 26, 2003.

ihave a JVC GR-DVX9ea...i've used it for just a year and now its completely trash...its got this e04 message...i remember how ive used it sparingly and ONLY according to the specs (e.g. not too cold environment...and so on).....

i bought a sony dvd camera months ago...i think im not going back to jvc cameras....

-- SCOTT MAKINLEY (, November 14, 2003.

i have had the gr-dvm90u for almost 3 years. i have used it very infrequently, but there are a lot of intermittent problems: the first thing that happened (after the 1 yr warranty was up of course) was that i noticed on playback that the video was choppy and pixelated. like it was sliced up into horizontal stripes. it also said 'head cleaning required' . i sent it in to MACK warranty in NJ and i think they fixed it - i thought i saw a trace of it at one point but it's much better. the second thing which seems to be happening to A LOT of people with this and similar models is that the camera suddenly locks up and displays E04 error. sometimes you can make it come back by powering down or taking the tape out, but it makes the camera totally unusable if you can't be sure that it won't shut down on you while filming an important event. i'm going to send it back to mack, but since this is an intermittent problem i KNOW it won't get fixed. i called JVC and complained, but even after they had a manager call me back, i got nothing out of them. i keep reading about people getting together as a group - maybe that would work. this is obviously a lemon and we should get a replacement.

-- barbara handy (, November 23, 2003.

I got the same message on my Dvx80 after very little use. I sent it for repair and got a quote for $450 for a new drum. While waiting to convince myself to having to fork out another fortune, I used it just as a dumb camera and recording onto a VHS. I alos noticed that it did actually work again but only with the previous SP tapes I had recorded on. Both recording and playback are still intermittant and you can tell that the drum doesnt always spin. TApping it on the side usually does the trick though. Maybe JVC should add this to the manual.

I wonder how many annoyed customers JVC are prepared to put up with. I wont buy anything they make ever again!!!.

-- Steve Bridden (, November 27, 2003.

I must add my misery to everyone elses. My JVC GR-DVL805u went through the "needs head cleaning" stage and then progressed quickly to the E05 then permanent E04 error. I have found many complaints on the web suck as this but no true fix. I guess its time to trash it. I guess Sony or Canon just found a new customer.

-- Alex Ortiz (, December 09, 2003.

What can we do about this problem? My camera displays the same error. I am on my second one and still the same. I never even got a chance to use the stupid camera. I got one off ebay and then I traded it in at costco with the same error. I have the dvm 70 and it works fine.

-- Craig Wade (, December 11, 2003.

Same bad experience with the JVC GR-DVL505--head cleaning worked for awhile, but now I get a constant stream of EO4 Unit In Safe Guard Mode messages and camcorder shut down. Please let me know if anyone finds a solution. Otherwise, add me to the JVC Lost Customer list.

-- Robert Peroutka (, December 24, 2003.

This is what i did to fix mine. It sounds totally odd but it worked for me.

Open up the tape door, eject the tape. lightly squeeze the two long sides that hold the in place. Place the tape back in. The tape should now be slightly snug in the casset holder.

This worked for me. Why it worked I haven't a clue.

I agree the camera suxs!

-- David Tebera (, January 15, 2004.

I have a JVC miniDV video camera as well, and like the others with posts here, I began receiving E04 errors. When I began to search the web, I was concerned by the number of errors I saw, and concluded that there must be some sort of inherent design flaw in JVC cameras. On another board I got the contact information for a Ms. Stacy Sample of JVC customer support and I sent her an email regarding my camera, which I've had about three years. After conferring with Ms. Sample, I implemented three suggestions she gave me:

1. Don't store the camera with the tape in. Tape is wrapped around a number of spindles and the spinning head of the recording unit inside the camera. If the camera is stored (turned off for more than a few hours) with the tape inside, if there is any condensation, the tape may stick to internal camera components and cause a transport error. I found this to make sense, inasmuch as all my E04 errors took place after leaving the camera in its bag for extended periods with the tape inside.

2. Don't leave the battery on the camera. It will slowly drain over time. This may not contribute to the error, but it also makes sense.

3. The final suggestion made to me by Ms. Sample is that I use either JVC or Panasonic brand tapes, but avoid Maxell and TDK tapes. Panasonic and JVC are not affiliated, by the way. Generally speaking Maxell and TDK are great tape brands, but in the miniaturized world of mini-dv tapes, even very tiny differences in the physical mechanisms of the tape cartridge may add up to incompatibilities or transport problems.

I have yet to go out and purchase new tapes, having bought Maxell tapes in bulk at a Sam's Club (where I also bought my camera.) However, after talking with Ms. Sample and listening to what she had to say, I left behind my initial anger at the unit and tried what she advised, and thus far I have had good results.

The error messages are designed into the unit to tell the user that something is wrong -- they're like your "check engine light" on your car.

If you get the error, give the camera a gentle whack to move things around in the tape transport mechanism and try to get the tape to eject. Leave the camera open and allow the temperature to equalize. This is especially important if you have had the camera outside in the cold and are coming into a warm heated interior space -- condensation makes tape stick.

Once you're sure everything is dry, insert a new tape and see if the error goes away. I can't speak for others, but I found when I followed this advice, it worked for me. Should you have further questions, I suggest contacting Ms. Stacy Sample at JVC customer support. Here is her contact info:

Stacy Sample Service Coordinator JVC Service & Engineering 10700 Hammerly, suite 110 Houston, Texas 77043 (713) 935-9331 Ext. 101

I'm writing this as someone who had the same problems you had, but took a chance and listened to what this lady said. Thus far it has worked for me -- I would suggest that perhaps this is a better course than seeking a class action suit with some trial lawyer -- the lawyer will get everything and you'll still be stuck with cameras that may well be useable.

I'm not with JVC -- I work for the corporate headquarters of a car parts chain in Memphis as a systems engineer. I'm just trying to encourage others to cool down and think a bit.

Kindest regards, Rob M.

-- Rob M. (, January 19, 2004.

Great, what Robert M said. I bought a brand new JVC GR-DVL920 about 1.5 years ago and I used it a couple of times only. Last week while I was recording my daughter's piano recital, the famous E04 error popped up. I tried the recommended remedies but nothing worked.

Miss Stacy Sample's advice did not work. All along I have been using either TDK or Panasonic tapes WITH NO PROBLEM. I bought new JVC tapes and the first one has the honor of welcoming the E04. JVC tapes are not for JVC Camcorders!!.

With so many complaints around the E04, I am surprised the President or Chairman of JVC does not take action of firing their camcorders designer or head of engineering.



-- Chuan Kim (, January 31, 2004.

I had the same problem of constantly needing the head cleaned, and it started the time I began having battery troubles. I bought two cleaning tapes, and even boldly applied wet cleaner by hand on Qtip to the heads. I noticed the loading and unloading mechanism was getting sticky right after I replaced the battery. So I followed the gentleman above's intuition and jiggled the mechanism that holds the tape a few times, and squeezed it a little. It's working again. Fingers crossed as to how long....

-- Sharon (, February 05, 2004.

I have the same problem with mine and if anyone is throwing their camera away they can give it to me so that i can try to experiment with them to try and find a sure way to fix them. call me at 440-461- 2488 and leave a message for me to get back to you. you could also email me at

-- Benjamin Beam (, February 12, 2004.

I have had the EO4 problem with my DVL 505. I had mistakenly assumed at first that the problem was caused by a defective battery and went out and spent $65 for a new one.

-- larry grossman (, February 15, 2004.

Ahhhh the old E04 message.....

Here's my 2 cents. Turned on the camera and couldn't get a picture. It was black and said the lens cap was on (it wasn't). Switched it to 'Play' and hooked it up to my computer. I could control it and see the video. Then I tried to eject the tape. Nope. Turned it off and on and tried again. And again. And again. Holy cow it ejected finally. I looked into it to see if I could find any Gremlins inside. No Gremlins. So I grabbed another tape, put it in and it won't go in. It tries, but it doesn't. The whole tape tray will go in and close 80% if its empty. But with a tape, no luck. So if it's closed (no tape) and I turn it on, I get the E04 message. There seems to be 2 solutions to the E04, if you can get a tape in.

1. Take the battery out, tap around the case near the drum/head (basically over where the tape would be). Put the tape back in. That may work.

2. Take the case off. Adjust the two spindles next to the head that would hold the tape in place. There shoud be one on each side with an adjustment screw on top. Turn a tiny bit at a time, put in a tape and see if it gets better. If not eject the tape and go back to step one until you have a nice picture.

Also letting the camera sit without a battery overnight and new tapes sometimes seem to help. This is just info I have found on other bulletin boards. I can't try them since I can't even get a tape in.

-- Johnny Cash (, February 26, 2004.

Hmm, have the "E04: Unit in Safeguard Mode, Remove and Reattach Battery" problem with my DVM 90. Sent email to Stacey Sample as suggested by Rob M (earlier poster). Hope it helps...

-- Balu Nadig

-- Balu Nadig (, February 28, 2004.

Hi. I'm collecting the name, address, phone number, email address, camera model of JVC customers who have the E04 / Battery problem in order to complain to JVC as a group rather than individually. If you would like to be included, please email me with all the relevant information at

-- Juan Carrera (, April 02, 2004.

I have had a JVC GR-DVL500 for about 2 years now. I am getting the infamous E04 error message. Last summer I had this problem and was able to try different things and got it to work again, but still sometimes had trouble. Now my daughter's recital is coming up and no camera. I will never buy JVC again.

-- Regina Rickert (, April 03, 2004.

found a very simple and way too cheap solution,... i noticed mine would do this only in certain possitions, you could hear the drive motor rev up, then you knew what was next, E04 anyway here you go, take a 3 inch by 2 inch piece of thin cardboard, (like from a cereal box) make a fold on the 2 inch side, about 1/2 inch over, do this 3 times, while the tape door is open, but tape is in place, take the folded side and place it all the way down to the metal rail seen deep inside, basicaly the folded end of the cardboard will be between the door and the metal rail, this pushes more pressure on the rail, stopping the problem. when you lookinside with the door open, you will see two metal rails, one moves with the tape, the other is stationary, we are talking about the stationary one. if you don't hear the whine anymore, problem fixxed.

-- JRS (, April 12, 2004.

No answer, just more grumbling. I used my GR-D30 3 times since I purchased it 4 months ago. Went to use it last Saturday, and got and E04 error telling me to eject and reinstall the tape. No avail, I have tried and tried to get it to eject. All I get is what has become a very annoying chiming sound. I finally contacted an authorized dealer, and of course the labor part of the warrenty is up. $75.00 if I want to have it looked at (I have to pay shipping both ways). Then I can choose if I want to pay for the actual repair. Needless to say, I'm very frustrated. My analog Cannon camcorder worked for years and years before the video went to crud.

If anyone has any additional ideas on how to get the tape to eject, or knows how to hard reset the error in the camera so I can get the tape to move, I would appreciate it.


-- john (, April 15, 2004.

Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message?
Posted by Dani on May 01, 2003 at 10:01:42:

In Reply to: Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message? posted by Mercedes Auriemma on July 29, 2002 at 16:50:10:

I have a JVC GR-DVL313A buyed on NY (USA) one year ago, and now I'm receiving an error "E03 Battery in safeguard mode - remove and reatach battery". I receive this message only on view mode (or recording an VHS tape) with NON-JVC TAPES (TDK). With JVC tapes all works fine!

Don't pay nothing without test it!!!

Kind Regards from Barcelona (spain)

jvc gr-dvp3u error message?
Posted by jay smardz on June 05, 2002 at 19:47:55:

I would like to know what an error message of e03 means and what safeguard mode is? Thanks for any help.

Follow Ups:

* Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message? Mercedes Auriemma 16:50:10 7/29/2002 (3)
o Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message? julien 02:45:52 9/14/2002 (0)
o Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message maraplon 02:16:59 9/14/2002 (1)
+ Re: JVC GR-SX850 E03 Error Message Alexander 14:49:48 9/19/2002 (0)

[JVC GRDVL100 problem] - Digital Video Forum - Archives
Posted by: kernelsan

hi. when i turn the camera on it says its in safeguard mode and to turn it off and put the battery in again. This doesnt seem to work though. I dont have a manual and cant find one on the internet. Does anyone know what to do or can help?


Posted by: setarip

1) Is the battery fully charged?

2) Are you able to use it by using the cable (plugged in to your house electricity) provided to power directly from the charger?

Posted by: kernelsan

nah the battery is fully charged and it has the same problem when connected to the adapter. any ideas?

DMN Forums - Home of the Worldwide Users Groups
FROM: Shahar Markovitch
DATE: Sep. 29, 2001 5:16 am gmt
SUBJECT: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...

I have a big probelm with my GR-DVX8 JVC camera.

Since I am on a trip I cannot go to a service center

so I would really appriciate if someone will

reply to my e-mail if he

knows something about it.!

My camera keeps on showing the message:



I try to remove and reattach the battry but it doesnt


Does any one has any clue about the source

of this malfunction?

Do you have any ideas what should I do?

thank you very much...


POST 2 OF 4 responding to post 1 top
FROM: wendywf
DATE: Feb. 20, 2002 10:46 am gmt
SUBJECT: Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...




POST 3 OF 4 responding to post 1 top
FROM: thonen
DATE: Nov. 20, 2001 12:11 pm gmt
SUBJECT: Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...
I had got the same problem. In my case it depence on a defekt tape. Try another tape. The reason for removing the batterie is to give the camera time for a reset without any power.

POST 4 OF 4 responding to post 3 top
FROM: wendywf
DATE: Feb. 20, 2002 10:56 am gmt
SUBJECT: Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...


Digital Camera Review, Digital Camcorder Review, View topic - jvc grdvl300u safeguard mode

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:10 pm Post subject: jvc grdvl300u safeguard mode
I have same thing.

Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...
Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode...
Lazaro R - 29th Jun 2003 4:34

My suggestion... Join the rest of the millions of other JVC camera owners who have been wronged by JVC. See

This error is occuring to A LOT of people including myself.

Hopefully a class-action suit will bring a resolution to JVC's scandal.

If you're reading this and are considering a JVC camera. Check the link above and DON'T BUY JVC!

* JVC E04 safeguard mode... - Juan Carrera - 2nd Apr 2004 19:00
Hello. I am collecting names, addresses, phone numbers, camera model numbers of anyone who is having E04 / Battery problems with their JVC camera. My intention is to place a collective complaint with JVC, and perhaps even a class-action lawsuit. If you wish to be included in this complaint, send all the information to me at before MAY 1, 2004. Thank you.

o Re: JVC E04 safeguard mode... - JOE CALI - 15th Apr 2004 1:02
Yes I have the same problem on one of my Camcoders and fear the same is going to happen to my other. We pay several hundred dollars for a machine and get the run around. Most of use bought the units because we have kids or grandchildren and want to save the early years. So we send money we would not usually spend. Then we find out it the price of a repair is not worth doing. So we have to purchase another unit. All the time the kids are growing up and we are missing it. Not wanting to spend several hundred more dollars. The better business people or comsumers reports should also be notified. Thanks for your time and thoughtfulness in this matter. Joe Cali -

* Re: Re: IMPORTANT! GR-DVX8 E04 safeguard mode... - Glenn - 7th Apr 2004 0:43
This is occuring with our JVC GR-DVL-505. I'm on board for any action which is required.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Chris - 1st Jan 2004 14:13
I have the same problem. It sure seems weird that everyone is experiencing it around the same time.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Doug - 2nd Jan 2004 3:26
Can anyone help me out?? I have the JVC GR-DVL300 but I can't find my software anywhere.. Does any one know if and where I can download the software??? Please help me out guys. Just reply to my email address
Thank a lot

* Re: Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Henry - 28th Jan 2004 18:57
use yahoo search and put jvc software download in the "your search". look ofr an item that says "JVC Deutschland GmbH Software Download Translate this page" Click "Translate this page" and will give you an english version. You can choose what you need from there.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Mat - 5th Jan 2004 22:36
Here's another one to add to the list, I started having the exact same problem christmas eve, Im gonna let gravity have its way with it from my bedroom window.

# Re: JVC GR - SXM460A - TONNY MANTANA - 6th Jan 2004 7:23

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Eric - 8th Jan 2004 21:42
PROBLEM SOLVE!! Most of the camcorders all have the same problem. The most common problem is within the tape ejection mechanism. Since there's many moving gears and parts; a small particle of dirt could easily cause it to jammed up. If you getting an ERROR(ERROR message is part of the safety program incorporated in the system to protect the tape against accidental deletion) message regarding system safequard while the tape in in the unit, don't sweat. In order to clear the message, you need to REMOVE THE TAPE AND RE-INSERT IT BACK IN. A typical method of doing so is to press the EJECT button. If that doesn't work, use compress air to blow out the dirt in the moving gear or track. If all other fail, use a small(flat head) screw driver or paper clip to help open the tape housing unit right after you press the EJECT button. After you get the tape out, then remove the battery, and re-install the battery and then the tape back in the unit. That should reset the system safeguard program back to normal.

* Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Michelle - 16th Jan 2004 20:03
I was going to take my camcorder to be serviced and decided I should search on the web to see if other people had experienced similar problems/error messages. I saw a posting here advising us to try taking the tape out and reattach the battery. The camcorder now works again and I probably saved a lot of money and hassle. Thanks you!!!

* Re: Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Rob - 30th Jan 2004 8:53
I don't think it's always as easy as that. My GR-DVL300 last night chewed up the tape I have been making to chronicle the first 3 months of our new baby. I have removed the battery several times, for long periods of time, ejected the tape (spooling it manually back into the cassette body). Still I get an error E03 - Remove & Replace Battery.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Dutch - 10th Jan 2004 10:31
Isn't it strange that all of these dvc's are stuffing up at the same time, is it a conspiracy to make us pay for repairs or buy new dvc's. I was using mine most of the day on Friday and then on Saturday, the dreaded safeguard mode, error 06, missed out on all the good footage of our fishing trip, I'm spewing about that, what can we do?.....catch ya

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Kamahl - 10th Jan 2004 16:56
Add me to the list. I started having this problem a few weeks ago after years of it working flawlessly. I'm goign to try some of the tricks people have mentioned.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Kamahl - 10th Jan 2004 17:21
UPDATE..check this link out sg/18970.html
I just started messing with it, and it seems to be working. I have to tweak it a little more.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Kamahl - 10th Jan 2004 17:22
That link came out weird sg/18970.html
If it doesn't work, you'll have to manually paste it into your address bar..

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Kamahl - 10th Jan 2004 17:37
I just did what that said..messed around with it for a while....turned those little white pegs clockwise mostly....and not my camera works again!!
I hope it lasts. Let me know if it works for any of you guys.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - sean - 26th Jan 2004 14:12
I believe the error codes are a polite way of jvc saying, "this cam is eating your tape."
I thought I'd be clever with a nice transition of sending the cam down a slide with my daughter, but the ride apparently jarred the gr-dvl300 enough to eat the tape.
From there I got the error message saying to remove the battery, E06, I believe.
So, removing the tape, and either being able to rewind the eaten tape back into it's casing and reinserting or inserting a new tape fixed mine from the safe mode error code.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Dan - 29th Jan 2004 20:22
I have a very similar problem with my JVC GR-DVL109.
I put the tape in and the heads (I presume its the heads) make a very unusual high pitched whiney noise which lasts a couple of seconds. I get the error message E04 - Unit In Safeguard Mode. And sometimes "Remove and Reattach Battery" - even when the camera is on mains power.
If I take the casette out - I can put the cam onto record mode and get images fine, but obviously no tape so I can't record.
I can't play back any tapes either - I've tried with 4 different ones.
Do I need to get my camera seen to? If so where is the best/most reasonable place to take it, I'm based in the UK.

* Re: Same problem GR-DVL805 - marni_matul - 9th Feb 2004 19:03
It doesn't always come up with the error message. I can put it up and not use if for a few weeks, pull it out, charge battery and it works fine. But like the guy above, it makes this whiny noise right before the error message comes up. Once upon a time I did get a message that said to use a head cleaning tape. Where can I buy one of those? I just taped my daughter's 1st b-day and need to d/l to my computer to send to my dad and family far away. ~And it won't let me eject the tape!

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Yerima - 30th Jan 2004 6:51
I have a JVC 70 US brand new that I used for maybe 3 hours in total. Since then i started getting E04/E03... remove this... remove that ...and so one. I am so upset. I think that JVC should withdraw all their Camcoders from the market. JVC is a mess. I spent my money for shit ! And the way JVC keeps quiet and not provide with solutions is very surprising ! Like they don't CARE. I would say no more JVC AT ALL. DON'T BUY JVC. Please Boycott JVC till they take good care of their customers.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - GooPhy - 5th Feb 2004 16:17
I had exactly the same problem on my JVC GR-DVL100. E04 , Just when my daughter were singing on stage the error pops up, and no joy. Up til now I could still run it from the mains connecter.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Georges - 8th Feb 2004 16:17
I haver exactly the same problem than everyone with my JVC DVX44. It accepts to record , with a few messages "Remove and Reattach Battery", but when I want to see what I have recorded, IMPOSSIBLE. I cannot rewind the tape. Each time it begins to rewind but immediately the E03 error message appears. I can eject the tape but each time the tape is eaten a bit more and 10cm of tape remain out of the cassette.
Any comments?
I of course tried to gently tap the camera, I blowed the mechanism, and used a cleaning tape. I use JVC tapes.
What to do but bring the camcorder to JVC, what I certainly won't do in view of the comments I have seen.

# Re: Re: JVC error codes assistance - anonymous - 28th Jan 2004 19:04
I've got a JVC GR-DVL307 which powers up and then in about 2 or 3 seconds shows "E01 Unit in Safeguard Mode Remove and Replace Battery". In those few seconds, you can zoom in and out, and even after the E01 the video works fine. The VCR motor never spins and the gate won't power open, but there is no tape stuck inside. Any ideas?

* JVC repair assistance - Stacy Sample - 28th Jan 2004 19:11
If there is no tape in the unit and it is not accepting the tape in...I believe you need it looked at. If the mechanism (tape basket) is not engaging and you have reset the camcorder by removing & re-attaching the power source, then you have done all you can do in regards to troubleshooting. How old is your camcorder and where are you located?

See 9 more comments...

# Re: Re: JVC error codes assistance - R Shivers - 5th Feb 2004 0:13
We have a model GR-DVF10U cam corder which displays an error message E03 then shuts down. Problem??

* Re: JVC error codes assistance - Stacy Sample - 5th Feb 2004 13:57
You could possibly be having a mechanism (tape basket problem) or drum head/motor problem. It is hard to say until it is looked at. A minimum repair could run $230ish. Your camcorder is a 97/98 model. If you write me at work...I can give you some more info on new camcorders. You can purchase a new digital camcorder starting about $279.00 comperable to yours. It may be in your best interest to invest in a newer updated product than invest in this one that has limited technology. E-mail me at and I will get some specifics for you.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Carlos of Spain - 19th Jan 2004 19:24
Tengo el modelo dvx88 de JVC y me a empezado a hacer el mismo problema.He leido lo de dar unos golpecitos en el dep�sito de la cinta y a m� me ha funcionado,esperemos que dure.Gracias por vuestros consejos.

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - brian - 20th Jan 2004 22:26
check this out. alot, and i mean alot, of people are having the same problems. keep searching message boards. there has to be more people out there. tcl?msg_id=009ZB5

# Re: JVC GR - DVL300 - Mike - 21st Jan 2004 1:24
i have a DR-D30US and i keep on getting the E01 error code telling me to remove the battery but it never works so please help me out i only have 7 days to know if i want to return it

Dutch DV-IN Webboard - Alle Vragen en antwoorden voor bezitters van een Digitale Videocamera .

Andy op Maandag, 30 September 2002 - 15:55:

Keb zelf een gr-dvx7,

Ook al een paar keer dat E04 errortje gehad.
Ik zet'm dan ff uit, dan een klap geven ter hoogte van de tape, en dan weer aanzetten.

Als ik daarna de film terug bekijk zijn er dan ook geen oneffenheden te zien.


(Rough translation: Keb self a gr-dvx7

In such a way a few turn had that E04 errortje. I want to give start' m then ff, then a slap to height of the tape, and then again.

If I after that the film back want to be there then also no unevennesses to see.


Dutch DV-IN Webboard - Alle Vragen en antwoorden voor bezitters van een Digitale Videocamera .
Eugene op Zondag, 29 September 2002 - 16:39:

Ik heb het zelfde probleem en ik word er echt niet goed van. Wil ik iets gaan filmen komt die error in beeld. Is het echt verholpen met een ander merk tape? Ik gebruik nu TDK en EMTEC. Of moet ik hem op gaan sturen?

(Rough translation: I have the same problem and I become not of it really good. Want I something will film comes that error in image. Has the marriage been remedied mark with someone else tape? I use now TDK and EMTEC. Must I or steer him on go? Mzzl)


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